Do You Have to Be Olympic to Lift Olympic?
Are the Olympic Lifts only for elite athletes? Why we think it should be apart of everyone’s training.
The Clean & Jerk and Snatch, or the Olympic Lifts, are prized movements in the Strength & Conditioning world. They are the most complex lifts an athlete can learn and the hardest to master, so much so that being able to heave weight well utilizing these techniques is a sport in and of itself.
How do these complex movement patterns apply to the “every day” athlete then? At the Sweat Lab we are big believers in our adult and sport athletes learning and performing these lifts on a weekly basis, and here’s why.
These Complex Movement Patterns Ignite Motor Pathways
We don’t often think about the impact of movement on our Central Nervous System, but like our skeletal, fascial, and muscular systems, your CNS gains strength and durability with exercise, especially that of complex movement patterns.
Our neural pathways are what allow us to perform movement of any kind, from the most basic and automatic like brushing your teeth or stirring soup, to more involved activities like hitting a baseball or unloading the dishwasher.
When we challenge ourselves to build the coordination to perform an Olympic Lift, we improve those same pathways that exist in all other real world situations.
Sports are an excellent example of complex motor patterns at play, pun intended.
When you watch a 6th grade athlete shoot a basketball for example, and then watch a collegiate player perform the same skill, you are watching the same thing done with completely different levels of myelination in the neural pathway, or in other words, the older athlete with more practice and experience has stronger nerves which makes their jump shot look smooth and synchronistic.
A real world example is the healthcare worker managing a variety of different tasks, sometimes simultaneously, will function better in their job with stronger neural pathways.
Ultimately, due to the complexity of the Olympic Lifts, our coordination and cognitive function benefit tremendously.
Development of Power, Speed, Stability, and Bulletproofing of the Core
Olympic lifts are a multi-joint exercise which drive neuromuscular adaptation more than single joint exercises like a bicep curl or knee extension. They are explosive movements by nature which helps an athlete become more powerful thereby improving speed as well.
With how many joint systems are involved, and the distance the bar travels in these movements, stabilizing muscles are recruited at a higher level than most typical weight lifting movements.
Finally, an athletes core is quite literally a central piece to performing these lifts correctly. Simply holding the bar overhead at the top of a jerk or snatch is challenging your deep stabilizing core muscles in a way sit ups cannot achieve, and of course to get the bar from the ground to overhead the core must be braced the entire time.
They Reveal Mobility Limitations
What deters many athletes, particularly athletes past their 20’s, from embracing the benefits of the Oly Lifts are the reality that you must have healthy mobility in all of your joints! If a joint is too restricted (tight) or injured, and you try to Squat Snatch, you are going to know about it right away.
Even younger athletes will experience this because sports is a large driving factor in muscular imbalances and injury to joints, which leads to mobility limitations in those areas.
You Do Not Have to Be An Olympic Athlete
In summary, you do not have to be an Olympic athlete to do the Olympic lifts, or even pursuing a big fitness goal.
They will benefit you because they drive neuromuscular adaptation unlike any other movement at the gym. Your coordination, strength, power, ability to stabilize, core endurance and strength, and neurological threshold all improve with these complex movements.
The translation to sports and real life are both an excellent reason to incorporate these into your training.
Click the image for our go to progression on warming up and improving technique for the Squat Clean!
Three Mistakes to Avoid with Training
Here are three black holes of human behavior to avoid when trying to adopt a new training regime.
Here are three black holes of human behavior to avoid when trying to adopt a new training regime.
Mistake #1: Expecting Immediate Results
Over the past decade of training it’s been a common occurrence to witness folks quit right before they’re about to have a breakthrough with training, which as their coach and advocate is always a bummer.
Eventually, whatever small spark of motivation ignited them to do something different fizzled out and they reach a tipping point where the path forward perhaps felt too sore, too tired, or life got in the way again, and they weren’t motivated enough for themselves anymore.
They let themselves skip one day, which by the way is not a big deal, but then it became two, and then three, and then… ‘whatever, now is not the time and I’ll try again in 6 months’.
The tricky part of having a true breakthrough or habit stick is to not let yourself expect immediate (and we’re talking within one to three months) results or expect the pain of sacrificing the time to get easier. Habits take time to form, and if you were too sore or tired one day and skipped, don’t let that become a second time because it’s a reeeaallll slippery slope after that.
Aim to survive at least a month of consistent workout attendance, and your odds of making real change stick and getting results go way up.
Mistake #2: Letting Your Ego Lead You to Injury
I will humbly admit this has happened to me, and I will say, YOUR EGO IS STUPID. Literally, your ego does not have your best interests and is more like a small drunken leprechaun that eggs you on despite the potential cost of your actions.
Your ego will encourage you to do things you’re not quite ready for - like lift that weight even though your form is slightly compromised, or be too proud to apologize or admit you need help, or push through the pain of an already existing injury because “it’ll be fine” and your ego wants to do what everyone else is.
Remember, you are smart and your ego is dumb. Attempt to act in your best interests as often as possible, it’s only common sense and the key to self-preservation.
Mistake #3: Making Excuses or Complaining
“A positive attitude is not just forcing a smile through gritted teeth in the hopes of feeling better. It is something a lot more profound than that. When we adopt a positive attitude, we are using the power of our mind to remove thoughts and ideas that are no longer helping us to develop.”
In short, complaining and making excuses does not fall into this line of thinking. It’s an easy habit to allow to grab hold of us, but if we truly respect the power of the the mind and our thoughts, we’ll honor that this line of negative thinking will take us nowhere.
With love and respect behind these statements, I make willingly to no one and everyone including myself:
Your excuses aren’t helping you.
Your complaining is pushing yourself away from a greater version of you, and potentially pushing away people who you’d want in your circle who do work to think positively most of the time.
It’s no one’s job to cheerlead you constantly through life, figure it out and surround yourself with people with positive, growth mindsets, or allow yourself to be buried in self-negativity and attract toxic people or environments.
Life is too short to be a bummer.
Ask those in your inner circle for honest feedback, they are less likely to tell you what you want to hear and more likely to tell you what you need to hear if you present as open to receiving that kind of support in your mission to grow.
Strive to live well today, and evolve well with time.
What Is the Actual Value of An Investment In Yourself?
As a society, our attachment to money often limits us from recognizing the true value of what self-investment can bring.
What is the most powerful, timing saving, investment you can make in yourself?
The one that gives you the best chance to achieve more than you could alone.
Even if something seems expensive, what is its actual value? Would you invest $10,000 into a high yield savings account to make an additional $400 for doing nothing? In a private education and tutoring that lead to a full-ride $50,000 college education? To save $100,000 in medical bills 30 years later?
Would you invest $10,000 to improve who you are at the core of your person physically, mentally, and emotionally creating greater overall health, happiness, success, and longevity of athletic or professional career?
What is an investment in yourself actually worth?
The point is: it’s not about the money.
Individuals who recognize the value of self-investment are typically outliers. Naturally, through their lifestyle choices they separate themselves from others in a way that can draw negativity as a byproduct of jealousy and doubt.
“You’re going to burn yourself out.”
“You’re going to workout again?”
“That’s not a realistic goal, you should set your sights on something more achievable.”
Finding your people when your goals are uncommon becomes increasingly difficult and lonely. Yet, there are countless people who have done this at a high level and can brandish the unique title of being “self-made”.
Discipline is at the center of a self-made person, and shows up in the following ways:
Despite the ebbs and flows of motivation, they are willing to show up consistently and put in the work.
They seek out opportunities, and are willing to courageously ask for and accept help.
They seek out the competition of others because they know that by testing themselves against others around their level, they gain perspective of where they’re at.
They are never too good to listen to advice that they may have heard many times before or continue to refine a skill that they’ve practiced hundreds of times.
Because they are so hungry to learn and love the process of getting better, showing up daily doesn’t feel like a “have to” but a “get to” even on days where they “don’t feel like it”.
Being a self-made athlete does not literally mean you did it by yourself. There really is no possible way to become your best without the push of others.
Even if you are motivated beyond comparable measure, without the guidance of someone with knowledge and experience above your level, it will take you longer to get where you’re trying to go.
A coach or mentor is there to point you in the right direction and save you your most precious commodity - time - by optimizing your time training. There is tremendous value in this.
There are many athletes who embody what it means to be self-made; however, there is one who I’ve had the great honor of actually watching grow into the person she is today.
I first met Brooklynn Haywood when she was 9 years old. At a young age she stood out because she loved basketball, and loved putting in the work to get better. Her parents were (are still) tough on her and to many people seemed too strict. “They’re going to burn her out,” was something people would often tell me in conversations talking about Brooklynn. My response was always a shrug or a simple, “Maybe.”
When you can’t relate to something, it’s easy to be skeptical. What most people never realized was that Brooklynn has always been on her own path and her and her family were only going to listen to people who understood the vision and possibility of making it a reality.
“It’s not just the kids having to make sacrifices parents have to too! How do you get your kids to believe in themselves and make sacrifices if you don’t show them you’re also making sacrifices because you believe in them!! ”
The Haywoods moved from Alaska to Washington to be close to one such mentor, Matt Conboy, as Brooklynn was entering high school because they knew that, unfortunately, the reality of trying to “make it big” in Alaska would be extremely hard. Possible, yes, but it’s kind of like planting a palm tree in the tundra expecting it to have the same opportunity to grow as it does in California. Alaska just doesn’t have the access to opportunity that living in the Lower 48 does.
Now, in her junior year at Union High School, Brooklynn’s drive, dedication and unapologetic commitment to her process is paying dividends as Division I scholarships are pouring in along with sponsor deals as a high school athlete.
Though she has had a handful of close coaches and mentors help her, and has attended at least a dozen camps across the country over the years, Brooklynn is a self-made basketball player. No coach or camp is worth anything if the athlete they are working with is not invested in themselves.
The investment the Haywood family has made into helping their daughter become the best version of herself has not only financially begun repaying itself, but more importantly, she now embodies priceless character traits that make her a stand up role model, daughter, friend, teammate, and catch for her future employer, spouse, and family.
The Haywood’s have made many sacrifices on this journey and I know it’s been very difficult in a variety of ways, but for them, the value of Brooklynn’s dreams and the early recognition of her potential to fulfill them had no price. Their story is really special, and something we can all learn from.
So… it’s your turn to answer. What is the actual value of an investment in yourself?
Don’t Wait for Desperation
Becoming a great athlete isn’t limited to the skill training you’ll do for your sport or even the physical training you’ll do to make your body faster, stronger, and more resilient. What most young athletes, even at the college level, don’t realize is that becoming a great athlete starts in the mind.
Dear athletes, please put down your math homework for a second and read this.
Becoming a great athlete isn’t limited to the skill training you’ll do for your sport or even the physical training you’ll do to make your body faster, stronger, and more resilient. What most young athletes, even at the college level, don’t realize is that becoming a great athlete starts in the mind.
Jim Rohn, who was a powerful motivator, entrepreneur, and author during his lifetime, has left a wealth of wisdom pertaining to “success” that we would all be remiss not to learn from. One of his famous lines is:
“We generally change ourselves for two reasons: inspiration or desperation.”
Sadly, most often I see athletes waiting till something bad happens like developing tendonitis in a joint, getting benched for being too slow or out of shape, not having the courage to talk to their coach, etc., to start doing the work.
If it’s any consolation, the same tends to happen with adults. It’s not until most adults are overweight and unhappy, or their doctor gives them a scary reality check, that they then start to take their health and fitness more seriously.
It’s common. It’s societal. It’s endemic.
Here’s what you need to understand though, being a great athlete is anything but common. You have to be willing to make uncommon sacrifices, and often these are inconvenient and uncomfortable.
“Success has a price tag, and that price tag is called sacrifice.”
While your peers are scrolling or clicking their life away, what are you going to do instead? You now have regained time from social media that can be invested into your future.
Will you use it to read stories of the greatest athletes of all time in the sport you play?
Will you use it to go to the gym and lean into suffering in order to separate yourself athletically from your peers?
Will you ask someone for help when normally you would have tried to carry that burden alone?
The options are endless. Your potential is endless.
“Success is not something you chase, it’s something you become. And becoming requires fundamental changes in how you think, how you act, and most importantly how you spend your time.”
The author of this article is certainly not as wise as the great Jim Rohn, but for context, as an athlete in college, I began to lean into this kind of mindset and it changed my life. It changed my athletic career. It eventually led me to a professional contract where I was paid to play the sport I loved since being 8 years old. To that I can attest, to have achieved these uncommon goals did indeed take uncommon sacrifice.
What is it worth to you? Comment any thoughts or questions, and also check out this video or one of Jim Rohn’s speeches. You can have it playing in the background, the video itself isn’t necessarily helpful, but the audio is a total gift.
The Art of Running
Why does one of our most primal movements - running - also put us at one of the greatest risks for sustaining an injury?
When it comes to running, there are a few different classifications of athlete. You have your long distance athletes who enjoy settling into the continuous locomotion for up to hours at a time.
Then you have your middle distance runners who thrive in their “pain cave” and love to feel like their lungs have been transplanted from their body and put on a hot stove to see how long they can hold them there.
And finally, you have your moving Greek statues of chiseled muscular perfection blazing trails down the track in their sprinting spikes for distances that take less than a minute to run.
We understand all three of these athletes to be “runners”, with “sprinters” indeed getting their own label, but aren’t we all runners?
First You Crawled, Then You Walked, Then You Ran
Running is at it’s core one of the most primal movements we all have in our repertoire; yet, over time it feels like something that causes athletes to get injured on an expected basis.
You or your running buddies have likely complained of nagging achilles or plantar fascia pain, a tender IT band, hip or knee, stress fractures, or those awful debilitating shin splints. Yale Medicine estimates that over 50% of runners get injured each year, with improper footwear and lack of cross training being at the source of this disheartening statistic.
Part of what has created this interesting contradiction of our most primal movement turning into a recipe for chronic pain, is how our footwear has evolved through the years. More insight into this fascinating topic can be found in the book Born to Run by Christopher McDougall.
To summarize for you, the big ol’ fatty heel on running shoes has trained us to run on our heels. This is completely counter to how our bodies were designed to run, which is midfoot first, then transitioning to our heel, and following through off the midfoot again. Going for a long run with heel strike mechanics is equivalent to taking the shocks out of your car and taking it for a long drive off-road. As you’d imagine, that will eventually become an intolerably uncomfortable ride and cause a lot of damage to your car.
Your midfoot is intended to absorb the shock of each step with the added benefit of also providing natural forward propulsion. Contrarily, striking heel first is like pumping the brakes with every step and the compression experienced on impact then travels up through your joints.
Is It Worth the Time to Retrain My Running Mechanics?
Now armed with the knowledge of what part of running can be problematic, how do we fix it and is it worth it? While the cure is simple, the discipline to change is not. However, we think most folks can get behind the reality that you can become faster and less prone to injury without actually having to train harder, you just need to train smarter.
First, it’s better to retrain barefoot, so consider buying barefoot or minimalist shoes so that your feet have some protection from the ground. This is not a plug for the company, but this author personally likes Vivobarefoot. If you’d rather support an American company, New Balance has some great options as well.
Next, you will need to start the training process slowly.
There are many ways and recommendations out there, and I would pull from as many resources as possible when developing a training plan. The most important advice I can give you, having been through this process myself, is to listen to your body and meet yourself where you’re at.
At the time of my retraining, I was playing collegiate basketball and in excellent shape, but could only start out running barefoot for one lap around the track at a time. Week over week I was able to build on that distance and by the end of summer had worked back into my normal training volume with better form. It was 100% worth the patience as I literally became a faster runner by just fixing my mechanics alone.
Final piece of advice, you will feel sore in muscles you haven’t before, particularly your calves and potentially the little muscles in your feet as well. Consider this a good sign, as you are now utilizing muscles that have otherwise been dormant with your old man/lady heel running form. Trust the process, and gradually build up distance or time with each workout.
Bonus Tips to Avoid Detraining and How to Train Smarter in the Winter
A frequently asked question during this transition period is: “Well, how do I keep from detraining while retraining myself to run better?” and the answer is, you can maintain your required mileage with your old form once your limit for midfoot running has been met or you can cross-train.
Cross-training would look like hopping in the pool or on a rower or bike to supplement the training stimulus you’d be missing during your transition phase. I’m a fan of option two mostly because your old man/lady running form is going to lead to problems eventually and continuing to run with this less than desirable form is also continuing to cement bad habits.
Another question, is winter a good time to be working on this? While certainly less ideal than in warmer temperatures and clear paths or tracks (a flat reliable surface is going to be better to run for proprioceptive purposes), ask yourself, can better form honestly wait till spring or summer? Get on a treadmill if you have to, or better yet, get on on an Assault Runner or Woodway. We have one at the Sweat Lab if you’d like to come try it out.
These curved self-propelled treadmills are nearly impossible to continue running with the old man/lady form.
If the sacrifice of that fresh air and sunshine is not worth it for you, here is some sage advice from Alaskan running legend Kristi (Klinnert) Waythomas:
“The hardest part of running for runners in the winter seems to be the first few minutes … and once they get started the warm up is so important. Always, always warmup slowly and if tired, I always do the 10 min rule: you have to run for at least 10 min before deciding to not go … 99.9% of the time I personally keep going … if it’s not happening after 10 min it’s time to take a day off.”
Using the 10 Minute Rule is a brilliant way to not only trick your brain out of it’s comfort zone so you actually go do the thing, but to also truly prepare your body properly and further prevent risk of injury. Like during your retraining phase, start slow!
We also asked Kristi what one of her favorite running mantras is, you know, for when times inevitably get tough, and she gave us this gem:
“Strength grows in the moments when you think you can’t go on, but you keep going anyway.”
A good mantra for the cold or hard days, indeed, and for the when your mind is winning the war with your body in tough training sessions.
Below are some drills that we do at the Sweat Lab on sprinting days to help - mostly for our young athletes - hit better positions on sprints, but we are strong believers that these are valuable at any age and before any length of run!
Where Are All of the Girls Basketball Players?
Across the state of Alaska in the last decade there has been a palpable decline of girls basketball players in urban areas and, contrarily, a substantial increase in volleyball players. The question is... why?
As women’s basketball is on the growing rise in popularity in America, thanks in large part to Caitlin Clark, in Alaska there is an interesting contradiction to this trend. In the last decade there has been a palpable decline of girls basketball players in urban areas and, contrarily, a substantial increase in volleyball players.
A necessary disclaimer, this statement is based on a decade of experience as a basketball player development coach and strength and conditioning coach in Alaska. There currently is no research to support this claim that is not the opinion of myself or others; and with that I’m thinking this would make a great thesis for a University of Alaska Anchorage college senior.
We really need to identify if there is an actual exodus happening, and why.
As a basketball player development coach, I train athletes of all ages primarily in Anchorage and around ninety percent of the kids across all ages are boys.
I am also fortunate to be able to do basketball camps all across the state of Alaska. While the 90% trend does not apply in these cases, it does help highlight the reality that basketball is Alaska’s primary sport.
Many non-Alaskans think it’s hockey.
While we do play hockey here, it is an expensive sport to play and manage logistically. In poor rural areas across the state, the ability for a community to have a hockey team is less likely than you growing another big toe.
What is easy to play anywhere is basketball. You don’t even need shoes. I’ve been to several communities in Alaska where kids show up in socks because their family, for whatever reason, hasn’t been able to get them gym shoes, and after basketball camp, they’re at it again shooting outside on hoops at parks.
Ballet shoes and boots at basketball camp in Point Hope, Alaska.
Thus, in rural Alaska, basketball is alive and well for both genders and I don’t see that changing any time soon. But, in urban areas like Anchorage, there appears to be a significant downward trend in numbers, and here are my three main theories as to why:
Volleyball is the pretty girl, popular sport to play
In volleyball, you can sparkle not sweat, and for teenage girls this is a much more appealing reality than becoming a human swamp sprinting up and down a basketball court.
Being a great basketball players requires a level of ruthlessness and aggressiveness that isn’t ingrained in what we as society typically value for our young girls. Most of the time, when you meet a young girl who is unapologetically emboding these areas of toughness, a male role model in her life (and sometimes female) is not far away encouraging her to grow these qualities, and most often has a background in athletics.
Basketball is mentally and physically demanding
In the weight room I’ve trained collegiate volleyball players, and currently at the Sweat Lab we work with the high school level, and with all due respect to all the wonderful volleyball athletes out there, there tends to be a general lack of tolerance to intensity.
By design when comparing volleyball to other sports, it’s one of the least intense by nature. While it challenges athletes to have excellent hand eye coordination, vertical jump, hitting power, reaction time, and be excellent at volleyball skills, the need for a high aerobic threshold, muscular endurance, and ability to create and take physical contact, is not like it is in other sports.
This doesn’t mean volleyball players don’t have or need a level of toughness, my argument is that the toughness needed for volleyball is simply much different than that of basketball. And, different isn’t bad, but I am guessing that it’s a deterrent for a lot of young girls out there to continue with basketball as they get to a middle and high school age.
Her basketball experience was a bad one
The number of young ladies who have ended up at my skill development sessions because they need to, “rebuild their confidence” is very disheartening. I’m not trying to point fingers or offend anyone who takes on the responsibility of coaching a team because that’s certainly no easy task, but there are a few bad eggs out there who unfortunately have misguided priorities and are more focused on winning instead of building players love of, and character through, the game.
Having played volleyball and basketball myself in high school, I will say this, volleyball is an extremely fun and valuable sport, and this article is not intended to take anything away from that.
What it is intended for, is to bring awareness to the possibility that this is happening at an accelerated rate and my question remains:
Why is this actually happening?
What are your thoughts?
The Intentional Decision to Change is the First Step
For many of us, getting the opportunity to be guided and shown the way to what it truly takes to be successful, is a rare luxury. Even more mystical is having that opportunity interwoven with how to become successful and retain your sanity.
However, eventually that day comes for all of us. The day when we realize we aren’t happy with where we’re at.
It wasn’t until age 19 that I realized in order to achieve something I really wanted, my habits were going to need a big overhaul. I wasn’t doing anything egregious like drugs behind the stairs at school or eating cake for breakfast, but I had just finished my first year of college and realized that how I was spending my time was not optimal for my success as a student-athlete.
In school for example, procrastinating studying and then compensating by staying up late cramming for next day exams was normalized, so I followed the crowd and struggled because by the time it came to taking the test my brain was cerebral moosh.
In athletics, it surprised me that my teammates would either come an hour early to practice or stay an hour late to get up extra shots, conditioning, or treatment for their injuries, which I thought strange as I had never seen that from my teammates during high school.
It struck me after that year of mediocrity, that maybe my habits and decision making had not been my own, but a product of not knowing a better way and a conditioning of my environment and lack of experiences.
I could no longer do the minimum and expect to excel.
Like a computer, I needed to restart my system and replace bad habits with better habits.
If that Sounds Familiar…
For many of us, getting the opportunity to be guided and shown the way to what it truly takes to be successful, is a rare luxury. Even more mystical is having that opportunity interwoven with how to become successful and retain your sanity.
However, eventually that day comes for all of us. The day when we realize we aren’t happy with where we’re at.
Once we wake up to the reality that we want more for ourselves, we can stop ignorantly denying that our present situation is not serving us and accept that it’s time to change our circumstances and conditioning.
This intentional decision to change is the first step.
Next, what and who can we identify as important and adding value to our lives. What and who is not? In truth, identifying these is exponentially easier than the necessity of phasing them out. Some things are truly addictive, ask anyone who has been a smoker or in a toxic relationship.
Okay, so now that we’ve identified and filtered out the unhelpful, let’s talk about the elephant in the room.
Why most people fail at long-term habit change, is that because it is a long, tedious process and you can’t approach it like a sprint, you must approach it like a marathon.
It does not happen in the instance you decide to make the change, it happens in the repetition of making that decision over and over again. Just like when you lift weights, in order for your muscles to get stronger you can’t just workout once, you have to sweat and feel the pain over the course of many workouts in order to feel and see change.
Stick with it friend, if it’s truly important to you, you’ll find a way to overcome the fleeting urges to go back to your old ways. Future you will be glad you did.
Simple Swaps
Not sure where to start? Here’s a few simple swaps that can help you get on track:
Hit snooze vs. put your alarm on the other side of the room and get your butt out of bed
Roll out of bed and leave it a mess vs. make your bed and high five your pillow for a job well done
Take a comfy hot shower or don’t even bother to shower to start your day vs. take a shower and then end it with a minute under cool water focusing on breathing normally
Not pack any snacks or lunch for the day and come home ravenous, eating all in site like the Kirby video game character vs. plan ahead and pack food because you’re not a cute pink cartoon, but a human who needs energy throughout the day
Get minimal fresh air, as in going to and from your car and house vs. getting outside for a 10 - 20 minute walk and sunshine in your eyeballs
Listen to background music as white noise vs. take a moment to actually listen to a full song and be present with the music
Pop your phone open when bored or uncomfortable vs. really look at your surroundings or strike up a conversation with a person near you
Leading from the Bench
What does it mean to lead from the bench? We interview superstar human-being Luke Devine to find out.
In most cases, it’s easy to put all of our attention on the people in the spotlight. In athletics, this is typically the player who is scoring the most, the coach or team with the most wins, the 1 percenters.
Shining the spotlight only on these outliers can leave the rest of us feeling like catastrophic underachievers, when in reality that couldn’t be further from the truth. Should the outliers be celebrated for their uncommon excellence? Absolutely. Should we admire them and try to incorporate some of the methods that have made them successful? For sure. Should we compare and shame ourselves for not achieving the same level of excellence? Not if you want your sanity!
In basketball specifically, guess the number of collegiate coaches at the Men’s NCAA Division I level who have won 80% or more of their total games in their careers.
Answer? Two. Hit this link for the full list.
Or, guess the number of men’s collegiate players across all levels who average more than 20 points per game (in 2023)?
Answer? 105. Sounds like a lot… until you realize that’s out of a pool of 18,816 players… or, 0.005%.
The Wooden Way
John Wooden, one of those two coaches with the 80% + winning records, was well known for how he defined success. In his autobiography, Wooden, he talks about how he was just as proud, if not more, of the success of the teams that didn’t win national championships as those that did, because for him, winning games was not what it was about.
“True success is attained only through the satisfaction of knowing you did everything within the limits of your ability to become the very best that you are capable of being. Success is not perfection… you can never achieve perfection as I understand it. It’s giving 100% of your effort, body, mind, and soul to the struggle. That you can attain. That is success.”
The important take away is that you’re not a failure if you don’t don’t arrive at the level of the 1 percenters. You can be an expert at something without being a superstar.
To become an expert, a person needs countless hours (10,000 and more they say) practicing, preparing, struggling, succeeding, obsessing, and repeating this process over and over again.
And you must love the work.
That type of relentless dedication certainly isn’t for everyone. It’s for the committed few who at whatever point in their life, found and fell in love with their passion. They knew that without it, their reason for existing felt a little less important. And they knew with it, that they would do whatever it took to be great at it.
The Devine Way
We most often celebrate the people who have made it already, not those who are currently in their struggle, working to overcome and make something of themselves.
As an athlete development coach, celebrating the struggle is one of my favorite things, second only to getting to be in the struggle with that individual.
It is uncommon to find a person who also thrives in the struggle, and rare to find someone who is so selfless that they are willing to do whatever it takes, from handing water to their teammates to working to be as uplifting as possible, without any expectation of anything in return.
Luke Devine cheering for his teammates at a home game in Anchorage, Alaska.
One individual in particular who all of us, from the starters to the bench warmers, from coaches to fans, can learn from, is Luke Devine. Born in Wasilla, Alaska to a family of athletic royalty, Luke is the third of his family to put on a Seawolf jersey for one of Alaska Anchorage’s basketball teams.
In fact, he is the fifth in his family to play a college sport. That is an incredible feat of its own given that only approximately 4% of high school athletes will go on to play at the collegiate level for the NCAA (for basketball specifically).
Having had the privilege to coach Luke’s older sister, Alysha Devine (now Anderson), who was an incredible competitor, selfless beyond belief, tough as nails, extremely coachable, and an amazing human being, her younger brother is a spitting image.
The Devine’s are a clan of classy winners, whose impeccable character is on generational display, even in the most unideal of situations such as playing limited minutes as a walk on.
Coming off of a year off from playing, Luke made the decision to walk on to UAA. A bold choice, given that, again, the chances of playing at the next level are so limited. With just being on the roster, Luke is already quite literally a 1 percenter, as only 1.0% of high school players will move on to play at the DII level in men’s basketball.
As many of us may know and have witnessed, it’s horribly easy for a young person to mope and be a lemon drop on the bench because they’re not playing.
That said, one of the most impressive qualities about Luke as a player is not his stat line, it’s the way he selflessly gives to others from the bench. The way he leads from the bench.
“I want to do what I can to help my team win, and if that just means cheering as loud as I can and giving my brothers advice from the bench, then that’s what it takes.”
If you are currently in the process of working your way to more playing time, consider the golden lessons Luke shares in the video below. Drop a comment or a question for Luke or Coach Alysa and we’ll get back to you!
And last, but not least, make sure you get out next season to watch Luke and the University of Alaska Anchorage Men’s Basketball team!
Defining the Win
Negative coaching in some athletic circles has become an endemic issue affecting young athletes. What is true winning? And how can we cultivate that mindset even in unideal circumstances?
Negative coaching in some athletic circles has become an endemic issue affecting young athletes. One of the saddest things I hear from parents and athletes these days is that a young athlete has lost all interest and love for a sport because their coach is a bully.
Coaches are incredibly influential voices in a young persons life, and too often it seems that power gets abused with the expectation that more intensity will elicit positive outcomes. Ironically, the opposite is more often true.
In a competitive environment, too much emphasis can be placed on the literal score at the end of a game, on the literal win or loss. This is especially prevalent at the professional and collegiate level where it is the coach’s job to win. This can sometimes result in confusing, bullying behavior, that is then modeled by coaches at lower levels.
The Biggest Winner I Know Has Terrible Ethics
My own college coach for example, who Anchorage revered for his amazing winning record (it was the highest for any coach at the Division II level at the time), was actively cheating and emotionally manipulating his players.
This man, in a very impactful leadership position over young women, was such a master manipulator he was able to walk away from what should have been career ending violations. He certainly shouldn’t have been allowed to ever coach women again, but guess where his next job was? That’s right, coaching the Colorado State Women’s Basketball team.
Yet, at the time, no one believed what he did could be true, winning had covered up his despicable behavior and true character, and the University ended up sweeping the internal investigation into his case under the rug and let him resign.
Summiting Blindfolded
To make winning the primary focus is like hiking a beautiful mountain blindfolded and taking it off when we arrive at the top. To do this, is to miss everything there is to see, learn, and experience along the way.
On the journey, we are going to see some really cool stuff, but also struggle, stumble, and fail. What we learn from these experiences are the true wins.
In my younger years, I cut out magazine letters in ransom letter style to form the following quote by Confucius:
Adult me is slightly impressed that my teenage-brain had already recognized that failure was going to be an integral part of success, and now 15 years later that quote still acts as a mantra to keep going when the metaphorical climb is hard.
Ultimately, how we as coaches choose to use the power of our position, or as players you choose to respond to the way you are coached and how coachable you are, helps us define true winning.
True winning happens between the lines, and is not what shows up on the scoreboard. It comes in the priceless moments of seeing someone overcome a difficult moment or situation, in building lifelong relationships, in seeing someone inspire those around them, in preparing harder than your opponent, in having incredible energy even if you don’t get to play a minute, in inspiring your players to believe in themselves, and the list goes on.
Be a winner, not a bully.
P.S. if you truly are struggling with your coach, or a teammate, here are some tips on what you can do.
So… You Don’t Like Your Coach or a Teammate
Learning to deal with difficult people is a right of passage in life, and whether we like it or not, we will encounter many different people who challenge us in this way our entire lives.
Sports provide a unique opportunity to learn how to deal with this at a young age. In this article, we’ll break down several methods to help you reclaim your power when having to deal with a difficult coach or teammate.
Learning to deal with difficult people is a right of passage in life, and whether we like it or not, we will encounter many different people who challenge us in this way our entire lives.
Sports provide a unique opportunity to learn how to deal with this at a young age. In this article, we’ll break down several methods to help you reclaim your power when having to deal with a difficult coach or teammate.
Without question, one of the most egregious human atrocities in our recent history was the Holocaust. Survivor Dr. Edith Eger, who also has recently authored the phenomenal book The Gift: 14 Lessons to Save Your Life, is one of the most profound works you can read.
It is akin to the popular Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl, who was also a Holocaust survivor. Both Eger and Frankl survived a hell none of us can possibly imagine, but on top of that, both have expertise in psychology, making their writings some of the most valuable tools we can use to handle our modern problems.
I mention the Holocaust not to contrast against and thereby minimize our own problems, but to present three questions as they relate to a common mistake many of us make:
What is the severity of this issue really?
Am I making this particular situation worse by the way I am choosing to respond to it?
Is there a better way I can respond and handle myself, which ultimately is all I can control?
It’s not what happens to us, but our response to what happens that hurts us.
Our character, our basic identity, does actually not have to hurt at all.
In fact, our most difficult experiences become the crucibles that forge our character and develop the internal powers, the freedom to handle difficult circumstances in the future and to inspire others to do so as well.
With over 24 years experience in athletics as a player and now development coach, here are a few strategies I recommend for dealing with difficult coaches or teammates:
#1: Avoid a rigid perspective
It’s way too easy to get caught in thinking something either good or bad, when in reality, there is no such thing as good or bad, only how we choose to view and respond to any given situation.
So you feel like your coach plays favorites, and you’re not one of them. Or the way they speak to you is demeaning, constantly negative, or they don’t play you as much as you think they should; the important question to ask yourself is not “why me?”, but “how can I best respond and handle this?”
“Suffering is universal. But victimhood is optional.”
Try one or all of these:
Have the courage to establish more frequent and better communication with your coach. Typically in any relationship, when both people can gain a better understanding of one another, things tend to work out more positively. If you have a burning question for your coach (what can I do to earn more playing time?), or concern (I don’t like the way you talk to me sometimes), then go talk to them about it! And if you’re sitting over here feeling like they should reach out to you because they’re the adult and authority in this situation, think again, few coaches will do that, especially at higher levels.
The head coach too intimidating? Reach out to an assistant coach or teammate you trust. Someone else intimately involved in the ongoings of your team is a much better resource than consulting with a parent or friend outside of the team because they will always have a biased opinion towards you. Also, be mindful to only speak positively about others! Use these conversations more like an informal interview to get the other person’s take on how they would recommend the best way to deal with this particular difficult person.
Therapy! I’m not joking. Emotions are challenging, and learning how to cope with them in a healthy way is an extremely powerful tool! It’s unfortunate that our society views therapy as taboo, we can all benefit from it, even if we think our mental health is on point.
#2: Be Very Careful with Who You Choose to Listen To
Not everyone has good advice, especially if they have no experience in your situation. For example, if you are wanting financial advice, you wouldn’t ask someone who is broke and living in their car. The same goes for sports. If you are wanting advice on how to best get through a certain situation, you wouldn’t ask someone who has never played or coached the game.
This is a mistake I see a lot of players making!
Even when players ask me for help, I still encourage them to specifically address issues with someone directly involved on their team.
As we subscribe to human nature, it’s much easier to go to people who we know are going to tell us what we want to hear, and comfort us through our difficult experience while we vent and rage about someone not in the room.
The more difficult and courageous act is to go directly to the person you want to vent and rage about, and confront them directly in a positive and productive way.
#3: Don’t Blame, Including Yourself
Eventually, if a person endures enough negativity from another, a self-destructive unraveling of confidence can ensue. We want to avoid this at all costs! Not only are we allowing another person to vampire suck our own power away from us, but we kill our chances of rising out of this situation more quickly.
Whatever is happening, try to take yourself out of being the focal point or victim. Do your best to view things from as unemotional perspective as possible and reframe the situation to something that is happening for you not to you. Under this perspective, the situation is now a gift and opportunity to help you grow, rather than something you need to beat yourself up about.
Likewise, don’t blame anyone else for your situation, including that difficult coach or teammate you see as being the cause! Instead, work on taking ownership for the way you chose to respond.
Remember, This person is Happening For You
Reclaiming your control in a situation is the byproduct of recognizing how you are letting someone affect you, and what steps you can take to courageously reclaim your power.
Take ownership for your thoughts, behavior, and actions, and I bet you will see a tremendous difference in your interactions with the person you originally deemed as difficult. Shoot, you may even become friends!
The Free Super-Supplement: Sleep
Believe it or not, there is a free super-supplement accessible to everyone that can prolong lifespan, significantly improve athletic and academic performance, improve mood and energy levels throughout the day, speed recovery, and slow aging. What is it? Sleep.
Believe it or not, there is a free super-supplement accessible to everyone that has colossal positive effects on every aspect of your life. What is it? Sleep.
Before we dive in to the why’s and z’s of sleep, I’d like to ask you to do something a little strange: put your tongue to the rough of your mouth, and now imagine right above here is a ticking clock. There is actually a group of neurons here, called the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) that controls your biological clock.
This biological clock is known as your circadian rhythm and is defined as the physical, mental, and behavioral changes your body undergoes during a 24 hour period.
Now, this is very important for us to understand because of the alarming impact this can have either positively or negatively on our daily energy levels, athletic performance, overall quality of life, and aging.
A study done on the Stanford Men’s Basketball team published in 2011 revealed incredible findings about how sleep directly impacted athletic performance of the eleven players who participated. Important to note, because the study was done between January and March, all of the participants self-identified as being in “peak shape” as they were in-season.
The findings of this study were incredible.
Participants were required to increase their sleep duration per night, but not exceed 10 hours per night. This ended up averaging to 8.5 hours per night for 5 - 7 weeks, which resulted in the players dropping nearly a full second of a 282ft sprint (baseline to baseline, baseline to half court), and improving their free throw percentage and 3 point percentage both by 9%.
That is an unbelievable improvement in performance over less than two months! With results like that, if sleep could be bottled and sold it would be one of the leading sales supplements in the world!
“These improvements following sleep extension suggest that peak performance can only occur when an athlete’s overall sleep and sleep habits are optimal.”
On top of the significant improvements in their sprinting and shooting, the players also reported less daytime sleepiness, better mood, and had better scores on a reaction test.
Academically, another study published in 2019 involving collegiate athletes across the nation, shockingly revealed that “The presence of sleep difficulty was associated with a 47% increased likelihood of a B average, compared to an A. Also, sleep difficulty was associated with a 118% increased likelihood of a C average and a 111% increased likelihood of a D/F average.”
Studies have also linked lack of sleep to an increased likelihood of concussions. This could be a result of lack of sleep affecting coordination and decision making. In general, the risk of injury as an athlete goes up 1.7x if you are getting less than 8 hours of sleep.
Over-Worked, Under-Rested
In our culture, we are often programmed to believe that in order to be successful we need to work harder, and to do so, sleep less. This lack of respect for sleep has directed our culture to a strange dichotomy regarding hard work that reduces our overall quality of life and lifespan.
When you don’t sleep well, you utilize only a fraction of what you’re capable of, and underperforming, like your lack of sleep, becomes your norm. Many of us then compensate with pharmaceuticals or caffeine (which, though delicious in the form of a cup of coffee, is still a drug), to keep ourselves functioning.
With drug use, there are of course side effects, which makes dosing sleep like medicine even more appealing, because there are no side effects.
You inject more sleep in your life you end up better protected against depression, cancer, Alzheimer’s, and heart disease. Furthermore, if you’re trying to lose weight, optimal sleep is a mandatory supplement to be taking.
Read on for six clutch ways to boost your energy starting today.
Move Over Sandman, Summon a Sleepicorn
Light, specifically sunlight, helps our bodies release day time hormones and neurotransmitters that help regulate our biological clock. Our sleep cycles, or circadian timing system, is highly impacted by the amount of light we get during the day. Too little daylight exposure, and too much artificial light exposure during the day, results in poor sleep at night.
“Many of us are not aware that we are light deprived and suffering from the effects of light deprivation. Because of our eye’s extraordinary ability to adapt to changes in brightness, we tend to not be aware of how little light we actually receive when indoors. Typical indoor lighting is 100x less bright than outdoor light on a sunny day. Even a cloudy day delivers 10x more brightness than ordinary indoor lighting.”
Serotonin in particular is a powerful neurotransmitter known to make us feel happy and is a major player in sleep.
Production of serotonin is influenced by our diet, activity levels, and you guessed it, sunlight exposure. Sunlight exposure also promotes vitamin D production in our bodies, which shares the burden with serotonin or our mood, immune health, energy levels, and sleep health.
Daily Do: within the first 30 - 60 minutes of waking, if possible, get sunlight exposure to your eyes.
On a clear day, you want to get sunlight exposure to your eyes for about 5 minutes (no sunglasses). Obviously, avoid staring directly into the sun and burning your retinas.
On cloudy days, you especially need to get outside and view sunlight. You’ll want to get about 10 minutes of sunlight exposure to your eyes on these days. Rainy, or very densely cloud covered, you want to get as much as 20 - 30 minutes of sunlight exposure. As you may expect, it doesn’t count if it’s through a window or windshield.
If we don’t have access to sunlight (even through clouds), turn on artificial lights, but once the sun has risen you want to get outside and view the sunlight. Artificial light does not, unfortunately, replace the sunlight. Contrarily, artificial lights specifically from our devices are enough to disrupt our sleep by messing up our circadian rhythym.
“Light viewing early in the day is the most powerful stimulus for wakefulness throughout the day and it has a powerful positive impact on your ability to fall and stay asleep throughout the night.”
Energy Hack #2: Be Consistent AF
The quality and depth of your sleep is greatly enhanced by keeping a consistent sleep schedule, even on the weekends. Your “money time”, as Shawn Stevenson, author of Sleep Smarter, likes to refer to it as, is between 10pm and 2am.
This is when the secretion of human growth hormone (HGH), melatonin, and other hormones are at their peak. And trust me, you want as much of the “youth” hormone, as HGH is commonly referred to, as possible due to its restorative, anti-aging properties.
If we habitually stay up late (past 10 or 11pm) then we are robbing ourselves of the super-supplements golden powers. A sign that you are not benefitting from money time is if you feel fatigued in the morning even after a “good nights rest”. This further expresses the importance of hormone production our bodies experience during these hours for nighttime recovery translating to energy throughout the next day!
This is absolutely terrible news for overnight shift workers and a main reason why it has been classified as a group 2A carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. This is the same group that fried foods, lead exposure, chronic salon or barbershop chemical exposure, and red meat consumption are in.
This is a terrible and ironic reality, as many shift workers are on the job protecting the health of others - doctors, nurses, law enforcement officers - at the expense of their own. Though true money time may not be available for shift workers, keeping your sleep schedule as consistent as possible (even if that looks very strange on a day to day basis), will still make your biological clock happier than catching z’s at random opportunities.
Daily Do: Keep your bedtime and wake time as consistent as possible. On weekends, avoid sleeping in beyond an hour past your normal wake up time, even if that means getting less sleep than normal.
Athlete Bonus Fact: Have trouble sleeping before a big game or event? Good news is that if you bank a couple weeks of normal and optimal sleep before this one night of bad sleep, your performance won’t be that affected.
Energy Hack #3: Collect That Sweat
Time to stack two free super-supplements on top of each other by focusing on a routine to get the medicine of movement in your day on the regular. One mechanism that exercise provides our body is the increase in core temperature, which is an excellent way to stimulate wakefulness and energy early in the day. This in turn comes full circle and translates to sleepiness at night!
With strength training, the wonderful byproduct of muscle is a reservoir of anti-aging hormones. This is no exaggeration, other variables aside, you can stay younger longer if you have more muscle on your body.
Ironically, when you workout you are breaking down your body, so that money time regenerative sleep we discussed earlier is the frosting on the cake.
Daily Do: Evidence indicates that morning workouts are ideal for getting the best sleep at night, so if you can, get your workout in around 7am and watch the rest of your day unfurl like a sleepicorn farting a rainbow.
Energy Hack #4: Eat Early, Not Late
What you eat and when you eat are two equally important considerations in optimizing your sleep and energy. If you eat early in the day, you trigger an increase in metabolism and body temperature that make you more alert.
On the other hand, eating too close to bed, specifically food with high amounts of sugar, can cause sleep disturbances, including nightmares!
Certain foods, and this is likely highly individual as there is still quite a bit of research being done in this area, can wake you up during our lightest form of sleep, REM sleep, where we dream more.
Energy Hack #5: Time Caffeine Strategically
Neuroscientist Andrew Huberman highly recommends that you wait 90 - 120 minutes after waking to consume caffeine (cringe!) because it minimizes the afternoon crash or dip in energy later in the day. Sub out your caffeine with a glass of water with a sprinkle of natural salt and you will feel better all day long.
Furthermore, consume your final caffeine dose earlier than 6 hours before bed. A study done at by Drake et al., exposed a hidden harmful misnomer of consuming caffeine within this window. Through analysis of brain activity from headband sleep monitors, the study revealed that participants lost a full hour of sleep, even though subjectively they thought they slept normally. Thus, even if you fall and stay asleep fine, caffeine can still negatively affect the architecture of your sleep.
Energy Hack #6: Stop with the blue light
In Sleep Smarter, Stevenson says that “Avoiding screen time at night is likely the number one thing you can do to improve your sleep quality immediately.”
The artificial blue light emanating from our devices confuses our body’s biological clock by making it think it’s daytime. In a nutshell, the bluelight makes it harder to fall asleep, creates shorter REM sleep, and results in feeling less energized the following day.
If you are suffering from poor energy, attacking your sleep habits is one of the quickest, and potentially easiest ways to set yourself on the right path. It’s free, painless, and produces near immediate benefits.
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The Hard Work Dichotomy
Training human resiliency is a delicate balance between finding a person’s limits consistently, while also staying within healthy mental and physical boundaries. This can feel like a walk on a tightrope, because we all know that to improve we must stretch outside of our comfort zone, but how much is enough and how much is too much?
Training human resilience is a delicate balance between finding a person’s limits consistently, while also staying within healthy mental and physical boundaries. This can feel like a walk on a tightrope, because we all know that to improve we must stretch outside of our comfort zones, but what is enough and how much is too much?
Mentally transport yourself to the hallways of every American educational institution you’ve ever been in, and the attempts made to motivate it’s young prisoners with a cringey barrage of cliche "hard work” posters that now also unfortunately saturate all corners of cyber-space.
“Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.”
“Do or do not. There is no try.”
Or my personal favorite,
“Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss you’ll land among the stars.”
This is not necessarily bad advice, however at large it is actually quite unhelpful. What needs to be emphasized, taught, and inspired is how to work hard and how to be a master learner.
Is there a Perfect Level of HARD WORK?
Admittedly, yes, you already know you have to work harder than the average person to achieve above average things, not exactly rocket science.
Neither you nor I know of any Chief Netflix Binge Watchers who are also Chief Executive Officers. Again, we’ve been conditioned to understand this our entire lives (remember the posters?).
So, if we all understand that hard work gets us the things we want in life, and we are all capable of working hard, then why do so many of us still struggle to do so? Contrarily, why do so many of us struggle to not over work?
It’s very easy to identify when someone is lazy, but the different ranges of what “hard work” looks like makes it ambiguous to define, and the outliers that exist can sometimes trick us; for example, there are a lot of lazy, successful people. There are also a lot of people who work really hard for very little return on their efforts. Either of those situations can make us feel like we lost the genetic lottery.
Then there is our personal favorite in American hustle culture, and it is those who work so hard, who are constantly redlining, stressed, and on the brink of a mental breakdown. These folks can often be found with blood shot eyes and a 20 ounce Starbucks coffee in their hand shouting “I’ll sleep when I’m dead!” and heading back to the office with one eye involuntarily twitching, because if you’re not exhausted, you’re not trying hard enough.
In my 20+ years in athletics I have seen this represented in various teammates and players I’ve coached:
The lazy player who never works out, eats fast food, but looks absolutely yoked.
The less talented or less athletic player who is often injured because they are constantly pushing themselves to the edge just to keep up.
The entitled player who thinks they can do the bare minimum and be the best player on the court/field/ice.
The obsessed superstar that can also be found with the 20 ounce Starbucks in their hand and their gym bag in the other.
Social Media Disilluisonment
If there is one thing social media is elite at, it’s making things look better than they actually are… to a toxic degree. The saddest part is, we don’t even realize that it’s poisoning our perceptions of reality, especially Generation Alpha (born between 2010 and now) and Generation Z (born between 1997 and 2012).
When consuming social media, ruthlessly rude little self-deprecating demons can really go wild if you let them. We start to compare our own status to people who we desire to be like, yet who are only showing 2% of their own reality.
I wish I could be as carefree as @yolo1lifehappyhippy.
I should be working as hard as @hustleandgrind365.
The fame, wealth and success of @10xlife is something I will probably never have.
You get the idea.
If we aren’t careful, we can fall into this trap so easily. That’s why so many people end up deleting social media all together, I mean, I’ve done it.
Social media is a great way to repeatedly feed ourselves the wrong message and remain perpetually unsatisfied with the work we are doing. Is it enough? Shouldn’t I be doing more? @hustleandgrind365 is!
“It’s easy to convince yourself that things need to be hard, that if you’re not red lining, you’re not trying hard enough. This leads us to look for paths of most resistance, often creating unnecessary hardship in the process. But what happens if we frame things in terms of elegance instead of strain, sometimes we find incredible results with ease instead of stress, sometimes we solve the problem by completely reframing it.”
Alternatively, social media can be a powerful tool for accessing positive and productive information if we use it properly by following accounts that we recognize as healthy sources of information for our own unique needs.
My favorite accounts: @brendonburchard | @tacticnutrition | @drewhanlen
I’d be remise not to mention my own @makeyourselfak
the Wisdom to Know the Difference
Though I am not a religious person, there is a powerful prayer you most likely have heard before. I love this, and used to recite it before every basketball game, it goes:
“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”
If you don’t jive with the word “God”, simply take it out or replace it with whatever higher power you believe in. This simple statement gives us a powerful mantra on navigating life and it’s many obstacles.
Mindset ReCalibration
Now the difficult part, don’t click to another tab or app, especially instagram. For your own self-respect, actually answer this question, and if you’re feeling real saucy, do it again in a week.
If I were living the greatest version of my life that I could possibly imagine, what would it look like?
Oof, deep huh? Grab a piece of paper and write as much or as little on this answer as you’d like.
Now, answer this one:
What are the biggest differences between that version of myself, and the version I’m currently living? What do I need to have serenity with, and what can I impart courage to change?
Remember, keep those rude little self-deprecating demons locked away while doing this exercise. In reality, there will always be a gap between those two versions, but knowing what your most “exceptional” life looks like compared to what your current life is allows you to refocus, reset, and attack some habits that you know need changing.
So friend, welcome to where the real dichotomy presents itself. As humans, our brains are programmed to want to be comfortable, it’s called homeostasis. On the same note, because we are human and have the ability to think about our thoughts (HA! in your face other mammals), we know that comfort is not the key to getting what we want. Period. Mic Drop. Underline and highlight that.
If we are comfortable, we simply are not growing, we are either staying the same or getting worse.
The most important, defining quality of working hard is not intensity, it’s consistency.
You know why? Because when you’re pursuing worthwhile things, it will never get easier. There will always be another stair to climb, another problem, another obstacle. And now the true dichotomy, if you work too damn hard, you end up where the lazy live, in burnt-out-ville on the couch.
So, instead of going balls to the wall, or wishing and waiting for things to be easier, learn how to handle hard better. And guess what, handling hard better boils down to your ability to be consistent. To be reliable. To respect yourself and the journey you’re on.
Consistency looks like: getting out of bed at the same time every day Monday - Sunday, and going to bed at the same time even when you don’t want to, but because you know you need a certain number of hours of sleep to function like a boss.
Intensity looks like: getting 4 hours of sleep on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, being exhausted Thursday and sleeping in, and then making a half ass effort Friday, and using the weekend to be a total sloth because “you deserve it” after the long week you’ve had.
Consistency looks like: writing out daily target goals to optimize your time and productivity.
Intensity looks like: trying to do all the things, all at once, all the time, and then ironically, getting very little actually done, or done well.
Consistency looks like: showing up to practice 30 minutes early daily to get in the world’s most efficient warm up, and then it pay huge dividends months later because that 30 minutes x 5 days a week x 12 weeks = 1800 minutes or 30 hours of quality work.
Intensity looks like: showing up for extra workouts randomly once or twice a week (60 minutes x 1.5 times per week x 12 weeks) = 1080 minutes or 18 hours of work. That’s almost half. And let’s not count the time lost between driving to and from the gym and all that extra laundry.
Consistency looks like: meal prepping on Sunday and Wednesday so you can eat budget friendly clean food all through the week.
Intensity looks like: making one extravagant, delicious, healthy meal for one night, and then deciding that you can never keep that up because between all the effort to decide what to do, go to the grocery store, cook, and then clean up, that eating healthy is too hard.
Don’t get me wrong, there are times where intensity is totally appropriate, but when it comes to wrapping your mind around what it means to have a strong work ethic, intensity shouldn’t be the main part of the picture, consistency should.
Be consistent. Do the work.
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The Story Behind Make Yourself
From bench warmer to pro, this is the story of one small town Alaskan hooper whose life was changed by basketball, and why Make Yourself was created to pay it forward to other athletes.
The amazing Alaskan coaches and participants of the Varsity Prep Camp, 2022
I believe every single person on this planet has the innate ability to make themselves into whoever they want to be.
I feel so strongly about this, because I was once a nobody from a small town on the remote island of Kodiak, Alaska. Like many other kids, it was my dream as a little girl to some day play college basketball, and maybe even professional basketball. At the time, I was one of the best players in my community, but that didn’t mean much at all as I transitioned from a small town high school to college basketball for the University of Alaska Anchorage.
My first year at UAA, I wasn't prepared for the drastic change in level, so I red-shirted.
This means I practiced every day with the team but did not play or travel, and therefore retained that year of eligibility. This was a developmental year through and through. My second year, excited to see all the work from the year prior translate to playing substantial minutes on the court, I was met right away with a bad bout of mono that hospitalized me at the beginning of the year, and wasn’t able to recover quickly enough to come in to the year and make an impact. I played limited minutes the entire season, only being put into the game when we were up by at least 25 points.
At the end of that year, having put in extra time on my own, having gave everything at every practice that I could, having done my best to have a great attitude and be a good teammate; my coach looked me in the eye and told me “If you do not get better, you will not play more than 5 minutes a game next year.”
What an icy, verbal dagger straight to the heart.
Instead of, “This is what you need to work on to get better” or, “Hey we see how hard you’re working; keep at it, it will pay off.”
Getting good is a lonely journey. Many hours alone were spent in the gym.
She was essentially telling me, "Quit. You are not good enough."
As I left her office, I felt devastated. By the time I got to my car in the parking lot, I was angry. By the time I got home, I was ordering a heavy basketball, an agility ladder, and looking up YouTube videos so I could coach myself on how to get better.
That summer, with a chip on my shoulder, I spent an obscene amount of hours in the gym, at the track, in the weight-room, and not eating chocolate. The result? Complete physical and mental transformation.
I avoided the parties all my friends and boyfriend were inviting me to. I stopped eating my favorite summer junk food, because I wanted to lean up.
And most importantly, every day I woke up and reminded myself, that I was going to be the only person who could prove everyone wrong.
I became obsessed with lonely journey of improving myself.
I went to open gyms at 6am with a bunch of older guys, because there were no other options in Kodiak. I would then put a rock in the door, and go back when I knew no one was going to be around, and work on my skills. I would go to the track, and run till it felt like my lungs were bleeding. I went to the local gym to lift weights and get stronger. I read books on how to strengthen my mind, and allowed the mentors in the pages to help my confidence expand since my own coach wasn’t willing to help me.
Senior season with the Seawolves 2 years later… 20+ point game against a Division I opponent at the Great Alaska Shootout. Remember when games were played at the Sullivan Arena?
The next fall came around, and my teammates and coaches were shocked.
The relentless summer of work that I had put in had paid off, and I found myself not just in the starting line up, but as one of the leading scorers and rebounders on the team. Fast forward three years of college and I eventually earned a contract to play professionally in Germany for two years and another to play in Australia. Part of me couldn’t believe it.
Had it not been for the two years of failure and adversity, and my summer of obsessively improving my mindset and habits, I would not have made it.
Playing on my third pro contract with the Logan Thunder in Brisbane, Australia.
It was not an easy road, and I didn't have too many people to help me… so I had to help myself.
This is why I now love coaching and mentoring young athletes.
I understand what it’s like to not know how to do something, and how to figure it out when your back is up against the wall.
I know what it’s like to have a soft mindset, and transform it into an unstoppable mindset. I know how it feels to commit to making myself into who I want to be, and realize how much of that has to be done with a mindset very few people will be able to relate to.
Ultimately, I believe if I could overcome almost career ending adversity and eventually reach some of the highest levels in my sport, anyone can do it. And I want to help show them - YOU - how.
Our most recent camp in Kodiak this past summer. The full circle effect is a great feeling. Beyond grateful to use my experiences to help the younger generations in not just Kodiak, but all across Alaska!
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Books for the Athlete Mindset
Here's a list of highly recommended reads to help an athlete’s mindset.
Athletics provides such an incredibly unique classroom to work on life skills like self-confidence, ability to communicate well, ability to cultivate healthy relationships, being a team player, how to maintain composure under pressure, how to overcome adversity, how to exercise daily discipline, and so much more.
The following books are an athlete’s secret weapon to unlocking greatness within themselves! Coaches, parents, and people of all walks of life can, of course, also benefit.
The power of the mind is not to be underestimated, invest in yours, and you will greatly reap the rewards both in your sport and life.
1. Mind Gym: An athlete's guide to inner excellence by Gary Mack
This book was my bible as a collegiate and professional basketball player. Written by sports psychologist, Gary Mack, who interviews multiple athletes and eloquently uses their stories and his extensive knowledge to help the reader develop strategies to overcome mental barriers that hold them back in their sport. This is not only a read for the athlete, but coaches and parents as would benefit as well!
"The desire to succeed needs to be stronger than the fear of failure."
2. Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand
This biography written about former Olympic track athlete Louis Zamperini, is one of the most incredible stories on human resilience and toughness. A troubled child, Louis' brother helps him get his life on track by channeling his extra energy into running.
He qualifies to compete in the Olympics, and then World War II breaks out and he is enlisted in the military as part of a B27 bomber flight crew. His plane goes down, and he survives not only floating on a raft in the Pacific for well over a month, but the cruelty of a Japanese war camp as well.
“I think the hardest thing in life is to forgive. Hate is self destructive. If you hate somebody, you're not hurting the person you hate, you're hurting yourself. It's a healing, actually, it's a real healing...forgiveness.”
3. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey
This is an absolute timeless classic that, the more I read, I realize many “self-help” books have been based off. Skip the copy cats and go straight to the source of genius by picking up this book.
Topping the charts as a #1 National Bestseller, it has sold 25 million copies since it’s publication in 1988. Covey passed away in 2012, but his works continue to give a principle-centered approach for solving personal and professional problems.
"Our problems and pain are universal and increasing, and the solutions to the problems are and always will be based upon universal, timeless, self-evident principles common to every enduring, prospering society throughout history."
4. Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl
Viktor Frankl was an Austrian neurologist, psychiatrist, author, and Holocaust survivor. This book recounts his experiences from his time in a concentration camp in quite possibly the most logical first person narrative ever written on unimaginable suffering. It is humbling, perspective-changing, inspiring, and all together a must read, particularly if you are going through a difficult time in your life.
"In some ways suffering ceases to be suffering at the moment it finds a meaning, such as the meaning of a sacrifice.”
5. Adversity Advantage: Turning everyday struggles into everyday greatness by Paul Stoltz & Erik Weihenmayer
Like mind gym, this one saved me in college. I would go as far as to reread parts of it before games! Erik Weihenmayer became blind at age 13, but refused to let this control his life. Instead, he ultimately became the first blind person to climb the 7 Summits (the tallest peaks on all 7 continents).
His book, co-authored by Paul Stoltz, is an inspirational read about overcoming life's many adversities and using them to your advantage. If a legally blind man can climb Everest, do our excuses that hold us back carry that much weight anymore?
"Even minor setbacks provide powerful opportunities for elevating behavior. If you eliminate adversity, you miss out on life's deepest riches, highest gifts, and most potent lessons."
6. Tribe of Mentors by Tim Ferriss
This is an interesting read, because it is just a series of interviews with very successful people. Though clunky in the traditional reading sense, this is an absolute gold mine of knowledge.
“Make yourself proud. I think we spend too much of our time trying to please everyone. And we forget that it’s all already within. Your instinct, your inner child, your soul, all of those who know what’s good for you and the world.”
7. Winning by Tim Grover
Warning, this book is intense. The author trained Kobe Bryant, and you don’t get to the level of training someone whose MO was “mamba mentality” without also having a mamba mentality.
For those still working on building up your confidence, table this one till you feel ready to take your mindset to the next level.
“If you can tolerate fear and doubt and loneliness… Winning would like a word with you.”